“turning the pages” into a working vacation…
It’s a rainy day in Portland. I’m ready to head back to sunny San Miguel de
Allende for a working vacation… Instead, I’m spending my evening looking at
I’ve been home for a month now and I have had plenty of time to reflect on
my experience. I had a wonderful time and I was fortunate enough to make
many n...
Homeward bound
I am finally shoving off today. I adore London, and I wish I could’ve had
more time to see more of it. As it is, I am exhausted from travelling and
living ...
Perspective after Mexico
I have been thinking over the service learning trip for the last couple
days since I have been trying to explain it to so many people who have
asked me abo...
Saturday, our last full day in San Miguel
Saturday was our day to experience some of the local attractions. We
started the day be going to the local hot springs. I wasn't really sure
what to expect...
Subject access to fiction
Another article we were supposed to read prior to our trip to Mexico was
Subject Access to Fiction: a case study based on the works of Pat Mora.
This arti...
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