I started on Chapter 6, because I'm most interested in outreach. The first points were to get to know the community and the leaders of that community. The authors suggest doing PR by partnering with Latino organizations. This certainly gives a great entree into the community, and provides a ready made organizational structure to take advantage of.

In the marketing section they list the following steps: plan well, use promotional fliers and the Internet, Use bilingual PR, emphasize that services are all free, Write effective press releases, utilize public service announcements, give effective presentations, and develop a distribution list with the necessary information included. Of these, I would like to highlight the following:
Use bilingual PR. This is a good idea even if the service or program is only being offered in English. Parents might like to bring their children to a story hour but either not understand enough about how it works from an English only announcement, or feel that they would not be welcome if they do not speak English. Often children know more English than their parents. In fact I think it would be great to develop a slogan to print as a footer on every library publication saying that all are welcome and all services and programs are free.
Emphasize that all programs are free. 'It's free' and 'You're welcome' are the two most important messages to get across. Many Latinos may come from areas that did not have libraries or the libraries were not able to offer many services. We want them to know what we offer and we want them to come. This is a vital part of outreach.
Develop a distribution list. This is a step that will pay off over and over again. When meeting people through their community organizations it is important to keep track of who they are, what group they represent, what their interests are, contact information and dates that are important to their community or group. (Holidays and celebrations vary from country to country.) If the library keeps good records of these things they will be able to provide greater services and attract more patrons. In short the library will be more successful.
Alire, C. & Ayala, J. (2007). Serving Latino communities. 2nd ed. NY: Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc.
Maura, great idea to do all PR in bilingual mode! That makes a lot of sense.
I thought the PR suggestion was the best tip in the book!
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